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Organic Health-Care Products and Foods
5 Ikpa Road, Uyo, Nigeria - +2348054158606
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ONEPROS is our best century old ayurvedic formular designed to bring lasting solution to prostate disorder in men.  It treats benign prostatic hypertrophy by inhibiting the 5 Alpha - reductase enzyme that converts testosterone to 5-dehydrotestosterone prostaglandin synthesis and growth factor.

 It exerts a protective effect against the development of prostate cancer, treats prostatitis, urethritis, and urinary track infections. One pros contains anti oxidants that reduces the levels of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) the hormones that promotes the growth of the prostate. A reduction in the levels of DHT lowers the risk of developing an enlarged prostate

 The presence of Camelia sinensis brings down PSA levels drastically, improves urination and help relief bladder and prostate volume , kills cancer cells and prevents the progression of the disease in cases of active benign prostatic hyperplasia

Do You Know One pros contains wedelia chinensis which holds at least 3 active compounds.

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