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Start Your Dropshipping Business

Join the entrepreneurs in Africa who're building successful online businesses with DropshipAfrica.

Choose a package and launch your dropshipping business today!



✔ Online Store to sell 5 products
✔ Access to virtual warehouse with products for you to sell
100% support, including payment and delivery
 Access to Duoiba marketplace customers
✔ Connect your store to your social media handles


 Online Store to sell unlimited products
✔ Unique subdomain for your online store
 Access to virtual warehouse with products for you to sell
100% support, including payment and delivery
 Access to Duoiba marketplace customers
✔ Connect your store to your social media handles
✔ Free trainings on digital marketing & e-commerce



 Online Store to sell unlimited products
✔ Unique subdomain for your online store
 Access to virtual warehouse with products for you to sell
100% support, including payment and delivery
 Access to Duoiba marketplace customers
✔ Connect your store to your social media handles
✔ Free trainings on digital marketing & e-commerce
 Access to selected best-selling products 
 3% Special Discount on 20 orders per month
 Promotion of your products by DropshipAfrica on social media and Google



 Online Store to sell unlimited products
✔ Unique subdomain for your online store
 Access to virtual warehouse with products for you to sell
100% support, including payment and delivery
 Access to Duoiba marketplace customers
✔ Connect your store to your social media handles
✔ Free trainings on digital marketing & e-commerce
 Access to selected best-selling products
 3% Special Discount on 50 orders per month

 Promotion of your products by DropshipAfrica on social media and Google
 20 Winning products selected and uploaded on your store monthly by DropshipAfrica's expert
 Facebook ads setup and management by DropshipAfrica's expert 
 30,000 monthly Facebook ads credit from DropshipAfrica

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