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Stellanto unripe plantain chips-100g

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₦700.00 /gram
(100 available)
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Stellanto Limited
2A, Ijesha Street, Afric Estate, Iponri, Lagos +2349092929955, +2348033447574
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Dietary Fiber: Stellanto Unripe plantains are rich in dietary fiber, which can aid in digestion, promote a feeling of fullness, and help regulate blood sugar levels.

    Vitamins: Stellanto unripe plantain chips contain vitamins such as vitamin C, which is an antioxidant that supports the immune system, and vitamin A, which is important for vision and skin health.

Minerals: Stellanto Unripe plantains chips are a good source of minerals like potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure and muscle function, and magnesium, which is essential for various biochemical processes in the body.

Resistant Starch: Stellanto Unripe plantains contain a type of starch known as resistant starch, which behaves like dietary fiber in the body. It can promote a feeling of fullness, support digestive health, and may have benefits for weight management.

Low in Fat and Calories: Stellanto Unripe Plantain chips are relatively low in fat and calories, making them a good choice for those watching their calorie intake.

Antioxidants: Stellanto unripe plantain chips contain various antioxidants, which can help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.

Stellanto unripe plantain chips contribute to your overall nutrition and provide a range of health benefits.

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