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It becomes very difficult now to keep livestock Animals such as cows, Sheeps and goats due to high cost of their feedings. As such it becomes necessary to find out how to be feeding them in a modern,  simple and cost effective way.  Our research comes out with various seeds for planting for the Animals feed, such as  1. ( Bricharia mulato seeds) which is planted and start harvesting for Animalsfeed after 2 month from planting.  2. (Andropogan Gayanus seeds) is also another grass seed also to plant and start harvesting for animal feeds in two months time.
3. (Elephant Grass) This is plant cutting to plant and will start producing after planting within 3 months time of planting.
4. ( Napier Grass) Its also a tropical grass with high concentration of nutrients for Animal feeding its also a cutting to transplant and start harvesting within 3 months of planting.
5 (LAB-LAB)  this is a specie of Beans in the family fabaceae its native to Africa and its cultivated throughout the  tropic for Animal feeds most especially milking animals  it comes in 500 g bags seeds and 1 kg bags  price ranges from  N3000 - N5000

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